Mind Prison

You walk into your room and notice it's cluttered with irrelevant, hoarded items—a complete disaster. But is it the house that's disorganized, or is it your mind?

You sit in a well-ventilated room, yet you feel suffocated, as if you can’t breathe. Is it the room that's trapping you, or are you trapped in your own mind?

You're in an air-conditioned room, yet your body burns like fire. Is your temperature really rising, or is it something inside you that's burning?

You experience frequent, intense pain in different parts of your body without any diagnosis. You wonder what might be the cause. Is it a physical issue, or is your brain signaling emotional pain through your body?

The world often separates objective reality from subjective experience, but that's a mistake. Your external existence and internal being are inseparable just like one lives in another. An unhealthy mind can have a profound impact on your physical health and surroundings.

Those who shield themselves or hesitate to express their emotions gradually build up emotional toxins over time. These toxins give rise to poisonous entities, including aggression, which often manifests as verbal or physical violence.

As Sigmund Freud once said, "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."

Your emotions, thoughts, and undiscovered self manifest itself in your actions. You may think you act out of your own free will, but if you haven't healed, you're acting out of your pain. Your unconscious is calling out to you, influencing your behavior by translating itself into actions but it depends on how it's translated, and translations are rarely perfect representations of the original language.

If you don't confront what's buried deep within, it will eventually surface, and when it does, it can destroy you from the inside out.

Warrior's Creative Expressions:

Below is a doodle shared by one of my clients, offering a glimpse into the mind of an individual whose perception of the world is brewing like a storm. This inner turmoil can either disturb the balance of identity or set the stage for a profound journey toward enlightenment.


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