The Writing Game (You vs You)

An Idea Behind Catharsis

Have you ever wondered why writing is important? What’s often left unsaid is that writing teaches you to confront and engage with your hidden self in a rational and meaningful way, forcing you to face the truths you might otherwise avoid. The phrase "The pen is mightier than the sword" highlights the profound impact that words can have on oneself and others. It cultivates a warrior within, equipping you to face the most damaging and self-sabotaging parts of your mind. Through act of writing you can shed light on your unorganized thoughts that cloud your mind. This process brings you clarity and helps you design well-formulated thinking. A powerful tool to discover yourself that is not yet manifested in front of you. It prepares you to engage in a fierce internal debate with your conflicting and unresolved pieces. Imagine holding a sword, defending yourself against every catastrophe brought on by your chaotic inner world. 

Writing is an outlet for the emotions you’ve buried alive. Suppressing your emotions is not a safe escape; instead, they’ll haunt you forever if left unresolved. You may see this suppression as a friend in the present, but it will later transform into your most hellish enemy. The emotions you buried, left to rot for years, become a festering wound. Over time, they rise involuntarily, seeking revenge by burying you alive in every conceivable way, dragging you into the darkest depths.

To avoid facing this terror later, write down your suppressed feelings. This act helps you voluntarily confront the grave of emotions, allowing you to face that EMOnster courageously and signal that you no longer fear it. Negotiate with it, make counter-arguments, and integrate it into your being, so it rests within you rather than feeds on you.

Warrior's Creative Expression:
Below is a heartwarming piece of writing from one of my clients, where confined emotions are finally liberated and allowed to rest in peace.


  1. Well written 😍
    Very helpful ☺️
    Write it down and take off day today's frustration to avoid problems in future πŸ˜ƒπŸ™


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