Health Literacy Questionnaire for Chronic Disease Patients

  1. There is a connection between mental health and physical health.
  2. The mind has an impact on biological systems.
  3. Biological systems have an impact on the mind.
  4. We should only focus on getting treatment for our diseases.
  5. We should notice the compliance rate between the medication and the disease itself.
  6. Maintaining the "symptoms diary" will have a positive effect on overall health.
  7. Sufficient guideline is available to manage my health.
  8. Healthcare providers have shown empathy for my problems.
  9. Government policies are available for my health.
  10. Non-Governmental support is available for my health.
  11. Emergency contacts are available for health issues.
  12. Satisfied with current healthcare information.
  13. Healthcare providers actively listen to my health problems.
  14. Feeling ignored by a healthcare provider.
  15. There is a satisfied patient referral system in Bangladesh.
  16. Telemedicine is available in Bangladesh.
  17. Healthcare providers have good communication skills.
  18. I am actively involved in decision-making.
  19. Self-efficacy plays a vital role in decision-making.
  20. Instructions about what to do during the course of treatment are always clear.
  21. Access to insurance is available.
  22. Written documentation regarding healthcare management is not clear always.
  23. Instructions about medications are understandable.
  24. Enough information about health screening is available.
  25. Educational materials regarding health are available.
  26. Easy to do care planning after communicating with healthcare providers.

Link for Google Form:

This Questionnaire is circulated among the respondents via a Google form created by me as part of my Psychometry Coursework.
